We remind customers that wood stoves and pellet boilers and thermo products are products that, according to current regulations, require specific installation and calibration; it is therefore essential to qualified personnel who can verify and certify the installation, such as thermo-enabled or, preferably, Technical Assistance Centres (CAT) direct manufacturer.
In the event of a request for assistance made to Service Centres authorized by the manufacturer, please note that these are required to alert you before you go out that this is not free, then charged to the user himself; they must inform the user how to get the proper functioning of the product and how to take proper maintenance, release regular tax receipt and Report of Intervention and compliance certification facility.
The operation is called 'first power-on and is to be held at a special rate as provided by the manufacturer.


The warranty starts from the date of delivery of the product, as indicated on the invoice to be kept for the whole period
The warranty lasts for two years and may be void for the following reasons:

1) Installation does not conform to the norm (according Uni Uni En 10683 and 1443);

2) Lack of plant compliance certification issued by a qualified technician

3) Improper use of the stove (eg. Use a fuel is not suitable)

4) Lack of maintenance stove (charged) to be carried out within 1 year of purchase, operation to be done at an authorized service center (the above is true for all types of stove, but it is mandatory for all boilers, pellet stoves, the cookers and stoves with oven and thermo products for all; it remains optional for the stoves without oven.

5) Lack of maintenance of the smoke evacuation system and where this failure occurs and / or maintenance of the water system it is connected to the product (Thermoproducts).

The warranty covers any parts and labor required for the replacement of the same (except in the case of products installed outside the Italian territory, see below)
Interventions regulating or explanation of the operation is not covered by warranty


in the case of products installed outside the Italian territory is still operating the only guarantee Italian; importers and / or distributors are not, therefore, obliged to recognize warranty work on what is not purchased through them.

Therefore, in the case of intervention required, parts will be shipped directly from our warehouse in Italy and will be charged to the customer the cost of replacement and repair charges from your local technical

Tutti i prodotti venduti tramite web al di fuori del territorio nazionale del rivenditore, devono tassativamente essere installati da un tecnico autorizzato dalla Casa Madre, pena decadimento della garanzia.  

Achtung :
Alle Produkte die über das Web verkauft werden und ausserhalb des Händlers eigenen Landes, sollten unbedingt von einem autorisiertem Techniker der Muttergesellschaft installiert werden, sonst verfällt sofort die Garantie

Attention :
All products sold through the web and outside the national territory of the retailer, must absolutely be installed by an authorised technician of the manufacturer, otherwise the guarantie will be considered void

Todos los productos vendidos a traves de la web fuera y del territorio nacional del distribuidor, deben ser absolutamente installados por un tecnico autorizado  por la empresa matriz, pena de invalidacion de la garantia

L’ensemble des produits  vendus a travers le web, doivent obligatoirement être installés par un technicien agréé par la Maison Mère, sous peine d’annulation de la garantie constructeur sur le produit